The first successful liver transplant was performed at Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) in 1991. Living donor liver transplantation for paediatric patients was succeeded in 1993. Then we pioneered its application to adult patients using a left lobe graft in 1994 and a right lobe graft in 1996 respectively under high urgency situation. Live donor liver transplantation is a high risk operation but it provides life-saving options for desperately ill patients in the face of severe scarcity of deceased donor liver grafts. In July, 2003, the Division of Liver transplantation of QMH officially became the designated Liver Transplant Centre in Hong Kong. The Liver Transplant Centre was established in October, 2011.
By the end of December 2022, a total of 1585 liver transplants have been performed for 173 paediatric and 1412 adult recipients.
The overall 1-year, 3-year and 5-year survival rates were 92.4%, 87.4% and 85.3% respectively. For live donor liver transplant, the rates were 93.5%, 89.5% and 86.9% respectively. For deceased donor liver transplant, they were 91.1%, 85.0% and 83.5% respectively.
Scope of Services
Potential Donor Evaluation
After reading through the liver donor information at education corner of this website, if you would like to help the intended recipient on a voluntary basis, please self evaluate by going through the following questions

Is your blood group compatible with intended recipient as illustrated on the following table?
( If Yes, go to Q2. If No, go to X )
Are you a carrier from hepatitis B, hepatitis C or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)?
( If No, go to Q3. If Yes, go to X )
Is your age above 60 or under 18 years old?
( If No, go to Q4. If Yes, go to X )
Do you have any chronic illnesses, e.g. heart diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc. that require medication(s) treatment?
( If No, go to Q5. If Yes, go to X )
Do you have any psychological distress, e.g. anxiety, depression, etc. that require medication(s) treatment?
( If No, go to Q6. If Yes, go to X )
Do you require regular intake of Chinese or Western medicines (exclusion of supplements e.g. vitamins, etc.)?
( If No, go to Q7. If Yes, go to X )
Are you a heavy drinker that cannot quit drinking in pre-and post operative liver donation?
( If No, go to Q8. If Yes, go to X )
Have you received any extensive upper abdominal surgery before?
( If No, go to Q9. If Yes, go to X )
Are you pregnant or recent delivery within 3 months? (for female only)
( If No, go to Q10. If Yes, go to X )
Does your family support your liver donation?
( If Yes, go to R. If No, go to X )
* R: You may be suitable for further assessment. For more details, please contact the Main Enquiry of Queen Mary Hospital at 2255 3838 to contact the related department for further actions.
* X: You are not suitable as potential liver donor. We thank you for your support in organ donation.